Foreclosures and Shortsales are challenging situations that force financially distressed property owners to lose their property.
While quite a lot of people have lost their assets to foreclosure, some other people are on the brink of also losing their assets to foreclosures and short sales.
Both short sales and foreclosures affect a person’s credit score and many other things.
We understand it is a lot, and it’s tough. However, it is even more stressful that the processes involved in these transactions could be quite tedious and complicated with many paper works.
We are offering you our professional helping hand.
Through our Foreclosure Services, Tax Goddess Business Services® offers foreclosure assistance to our clients for foreclosure prevention or to help them go through the rigorous foreclosure process with ease.
Why choose us?
- We understand the strategies of foreclosure prevention, and we will be more than glad to help you salvage your situation and save your asset.
- Our foreclosure assistance ensures that we efficiently manage time and legal details in the foreclosure process.
We invite you to meet with our Real Estate Specialist,Shauna A. Wekherlien, CPA, MTax, CTC, CTP, CTS, The Tax Goddess, for a FREE 30-minute Zoom call consultation to review your particular situation and determine how we might be able to help you!