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Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm (AZ)


Are you going through a Short Sale or a Foreclosure? 

Tax Goddess Business Services®, PC is here to help!  This can be a very scary time.  You are probably hearing all sorts of things that could affect your bottom line:

  • Will I be taxed on my debt relief income?
  • What is this 1099-C that everyone is talking about?
  • If this is my primary home, will I have to pay tax on this?
  • What do I do if I am losing my rental home?

We have heard these and many more questions and we want to be of service to our community.  We are offering a free 30 min phone consultation to go over your situation and help you determine if you will need to file any special forms with your tax return and what else you may need to do to protect yourself.

If you would like to signup for your 30 free minutes with our Tax Goddess, Shauna A. Wekherlien, CPA, then please click here to find a time that works for you and book your consultation appointment today!


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