Every entrepreneur/business owner, professional, and influencer can and should use the services of a Certified Business Coach to achieve their objective more strategically.
A Certified Business Coach has the knowledge and know-how of business management and strategic planning. That is how we have been able to continually help our clients understand how best to manage their businesses.
At Tax Goddess, we understand the importance of proper strategizing for businesses and how organizations can grow and maximize their potential with the appropriate business blueprint.
Our Strategic Business Coaching program provides expert business coaching, consulting, and support to businesses. Helping them to have better insights on how to improve their day-to-day operations, cut down on costs, and ultimately achieve their set goals.
Book a FREE 30-minute zoom consultation now
As a Certified Business Coach, we maintain cordial, professional relationships with our Strategic Business Coaching clients to ensure accountability and follow up on their progress towards their goals. On a quarterly or monthly basis (or more frequently, depending on their plan), we meet with them to discuss their progress, milestones, top three things to work on, and strategies to keep them on track to meet the set goals.
Our Strategic Business Coaching is for you if you are:
- An entrepreneur that wants to improve your current business processes or get a new one that works
- A business owner or entrepreneur who places a premium on accountability in the journey of achieving goals or needs timely motivation
- A business owner that already has a CPA working with you, but you require a Certified Business Coach to take care of your operations, HR, tax strategies, and consulting.
What you get when you signup for our Strategic Business Coaching program:
- Consultation, guidance, and strategizing for new businesses
- Budget creation, planning, and management
- Profits First accounting systems that allow you to assess your profit and taxes right from the start
- FIRE (Financial Independence & Retire Early) strategies that make sure you have enough money for living expenses throughout your retirement years
- Efficient cost-cutting techniques for your expenses
- Elimination, delegation, and automation techniques for various parts of your business to enhance operational efficiency
List of our packages
As Certified Business Coach, we have the expertise and experience to assist you in developing a blueprint for your firm and achieving specific goals that will allow the company to thrive.
We have multiple levels of services depending on what you need for your business. Please select one of the three service packages for different sizes of businesses:
- 1 hour/month
- 2 hours/month
- 5% Discount
- 4 hours/month
- 10% Discount