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Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm (AZ)


  • Have you been contacted by the IRS?
  • Gotten a notice?
  • Owe money? Not sure why they show the amounts they show?
  • Worried about liens?
  • Want to make an Offer in Compromise?

Need a Professional who knows what to say and how to phrase it?

When dealing with the IRS it is important that every word and every comment is reflective of the path you want an agent to follow. It can be damaging to your case if you say the wrong thing. As professionals we have training which allows us to appropriately respond to Notices, telephone calls and other such inquiries in a manner which will greatly enhance your opportunities and the leniency with the IRS.

We have specialists who can take care of these issues for you. We have dealt with IRS offices around the country and have contacts with whom we can work directly depending on your situation. We know how frustrating it is, and how scary it can sometimes be, to talk with the IRS and try and work out a solution. We have established solutions for many of our clients and have saved them money on interest, penalties, and sometimes even the principal payments.

CONTACT US ASAP  if you’ve received a notice and you would like some help or consulting about your issue.


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