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Have you upgraded your QB yet?

Did you know that one of the most important features of QB 2012 or higher is that you can "data trim" your information? This is especially important if you ever find yourself in an audit situation. This way, using data…

Write off my gym membership

I get asked this question a lot. Can I write off my gym membership? A lot of it depends on which gym you attend, why you attend it. If for example you go to more of a country club type…

Snowflake technique

Are you in credit card debt? You trying to get out of it, but just unsure how? One of the neatest techniques that I haven't heard of before, something new, not the normal snowball technique that you hear of, is…

Certified Tax Planner

Getting ready for tax season 2014

I get a lot of questions these days about what is the best way to prepare when coming in to get your taxes done. Personally I believe that organization is one of the major keys. We have some people that…

What to Do if You Can’t Pay Your Taxes

Financial life isn't great for many right now, and tax deadlines are rapidly approaching. If you find that you can't pay your taxes on time, the Federal Trade Commission can help. Here's what they suggest: Read your notices from the…

Bill Comes Due for Bogus Tax Relief Company

If you owe back taxes, you may be tempted to turn to companies that claim they can reduce or eliminate your tax debts and stop back-tax collection by applying for IRS hardship programs. The truth is that most people don’t…

Tax Advisor Online

2014 Tax Season Delay

WASHINGTON–The Internal Revenue Service today announced a delay of approximately one to two weeks to the start of the 2014 filing season to allow adequate time to program and test tax processing systems following the 16-day federal government closure.  …

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